24 Days producers head to Washington D.C.
Our Producers, Becky Rizzio and Annie Sterle spent the weekend in Washington DC for the 2025 AIM Annual Meeting. The 2025 AIM Annual Meeting is an in-person, national conferenced developed to foster connection, collaboration, and education of AIM teams addressing severe maternal morbidity, mortality, and contributing health inequities.

Family’s life changing story comes to life on big screen
HIBBING—An award winning documentary film, telling a mother’s story of surviving a rare and often fatal complication at childbirth, is coming to a theater on the Range.
The film entitled, “24 Days Without You,” is being shown at 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14, at Mann’s Cinema 8 Theater in Hibbing.

24 Days film heads to Twin Cities Film Fest
Presenting a movie at the Twin Cities Film Fest was an incredible opportunity to showcase our work to a vibrant, engaged audience in the heart of Minnesota’s Film Community. Our documentary allowed us to connect with other creators and inspired important conversations that extended beyond the screen.

Annie’s story on MPR
After all that’s happened, Tony Sterle still remembers his wife, Annie, walking down the stairs holding the results of her pregnancy test. Nine months later, Annie’s labor was induced. At first, she appeared healthy. As her labor progressed, she lost consciousness.